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You probably know what the Moon means in astrology. Thanks in large part to the attention paid to its full illuminating phase and its new fading phase, you are probably aware that it is related to becoming and liberation as much as it is to shadows and emotions. Although the Moon is abundantly symbolic and significant in astrology, almost no one emphasizes the Moon outside of the new and full phases. That includes the subtle and overlooked crescent Moon.

What is the Crescent Moon?

POTwhich refers to the crescent Moon as the “silver sliver,” describes the phase as that part of the lunar cycle in which “the illuminated half of the Moon faces mostly away from the Earth, with only a small portion visible to us from our planet. “

Antique illustration of the phases of the Moon in relation to the position with respect to the Sun and Earth.  Includes the crescent Moon.
Antique French engraving depicting the phases of the Moon as seen from Earth Photo duncan1890 | Getty

The crescent Moon literally falls in the shadow of the new Moon. It takes place just before and after the new Moon, known for its untold potential and new beginnings. The crescent Moon is there and yet it is barely there. But its presence is significant.

In a sense, the crescent Moon represents all the seemingly more mundane moments we experience when trying to get somewhere other than where we are. It's the version of yourself you just woke up, without makeup and with your hair in a messy bun, as you head to the gym or yoga studio. It's about taking vitamins and being there to take 3am phone calls from a friend and putting on your most trusted playlist to get you through another unbearably long day at work. It's also dancing while you brush your teeth, humming into your brush while you wait for your facial serum to absorb, and laughing at the silly text messages from the human being you appreciate most. It's everyday life.

What astrology says (or doesn't say) about the crescent moon

Astrology itself is about the subtle. The never seen. Influences that operate beyond our understanding. And the Moon is a distillation of that to the point of being the very definition of nuance. So what is the meaning of a hint of something that is already subtle?

The Moon is abundantly symbolic and significant in astrology, but few astrologers talk about the Moon outside of the world. full and new stages. Very few talk about how the Moon dances not only between darkness and light, but also between the signs of the zodiac. Just as the Sun changes signs every 30 days or so, the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. Depending on which archetype the Moon influences on a given day and how it interacts with your birth chart, the waxing Moon can exert a lot of influence on you. Perhaps as strong as the most talked about magic and moon dance phases.

Quote about the moon by Isra Al-Thibeh

What we need to understand

Essentially, the fact that we no longer talk about the intermediate phases of the Moon quietly endorses the notion that perpetuates much of contemporary life, which is that the moments of unraveling and becoming and, simply, of being, are somehow less than the most rewarding moments of resolution and completion.

The crescent moon is stillness in a yoga posture. It is the pause at the end of your breath. It is, as the composer Claude Debussy expressed it in musical terms, the space between the notes. It is wisdom, intuition and patience. It is where we experience life.

Above all, the waxing Moon is a reminder that we do not need to force our growth. “It's always happening, although it seems more obvious in retrospect, doesn't it?” says astrologer Jordane Mareefounder of girl and her moon. Maree explains that we don't need to question whether we are changing, which can seem like a pressure-inducing aspect of astrology and psychology. “We allow the phase we are in to be exactly where we are,” she explains.

Recognizing the relevance, potential and depth of these moments is perhaps as fundamental as understanding anything else about the Moon.

Perhaps the Moon prefers that we not highlight its more subtle phases too much. A less ostentatious approach certainly aligns with the character of the Moon itself. But we must respect something about the Moon in all its phases, if only so as not to eclipse the moments in between. Because the potential for transcendentalism exists everywhere.

Explore the effects of the Moon on you, what are your opposite sign means, and how astrology intersects with your everyday life with our astrology e-newsletter.

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