Meena – Pisces
The year to reduce all your tempers and live life with planned schedules without thinking twice or hindering schedules. Complete reliance on friends and family should be restricted and all executions should be done by yourself. You have to take care of your health at all times. Your timely help to friends and family in the past would bring you immediate returns. The role of karma must be kept in mind at all times. Finances wouldn't be a big problem for the right people.
Speculation should be avoided at all times. Government pressures would always be favorable to the right people.
Some who have the impact of Saturn must be careful in their movements, as this would lead them to face legal problems. July and August would be a period of trouble all around, but proper planning and implementation would not hamper their schedules. Family ties will bring you happiness. After September, the period is totally favorable and good things are seen in life. Some women can provide for their parents' medical expenses. Some women would plan to start their own business and may be successful. It must be kept in mind that competition would lead to success. Have a give and take policy during May to mid-June as it would hinder your schedules.