You don't have to have had a perfect childhood to reconnect with the joy and magic of childhood. I certainly didn't, but what I'm talking about in this article is reconnecting with the spark, wonder, and curiosity that was in you as a child despite external circumstances.
Time passed slower, colors were more vibrant, food tasted better, and you loved with abandon. You weren't so consumed by how you looked, what you said, or “being successful.”
You simply existed, took in each day as it came, found the magic, and immersed yourself in the things you loved. Imagine reconnecting with that part of you (that still exists) and how different your daily life could be.
In this article, I'll look at how to reconnect with the magic of childhood, how it will benefit you, and how it can create a more delicious, slow, and lovely life.

The essence of the magic of childhood
The essence of childhood magic is chaotic, fascinating, otherworldly enchantment. Despite whatever conditions you faced as a child, the inner spark within you was strong, curious, and always seeking fun and learning.
Your spirit was both loving and wild, naturally self-centered and resilient. The world hadn't fully gotten to you yet, and despite the criticism you received from the adults around you, you had an innate inclination to feel good and see the best in others.
All of this, combined with your vivid and frequent use of imagination, created the essence of childhood magic.
Lost Treasures: What We Left Behind
The “loss of innocence” that can occur during adolescence plays an important role in distancing us from our childhood. Becoming aware of the way women are seen, expected to behave and treated often creates a lot of subconscious distress and shame in girls and young women.
In addition to being conditioned to please people, we slowly lose touch with the magic of our childhood and enter a more disconcerting world in which we are instructed to focus on the outside and care for others, a world that does not It adapts to the monthly rhythms of our bodies. , processes or magic. A world where feminine energywhich is so closely related to our girlish essence, is not recommended.
Things like resting, daydreaming, imagining and being in nature without to-do lists, getting lost in creating, making things, nurturing ourselves and others, etc.
We walked away from many of these things to pursue what we felt we “should” do, whether it be degrees, marriage, or starting a family, and then do whatever it took to achieve those things in the current social structures, which were not enough. It is not designed to support you as a woman in most of these recommended roles.
But the good news is that we now know more. We better understand the creation of reality and that even if social structures were not designed to support feminine energyWe can manifest it! We also better understand now our value as divine feminine beings who bring light, joy and LIFE to everything we touch.
And who should we take that to first? Ourselves! That is why the magic of our childhood was so captivating and wonderful, because we brought light, joy and life to ourselves. We were the energy of the main character back then, full of love, presence, wonder and emotion.
Practical Magic: Reconnecting with Your Younger Self
Reconnecting with your younger self is a great way to recapture the magic of childhood. I have found that it requires some mentality change from your current “roles” to focusing on yourself in a way that honors you as an individual separate from others.
When you were a child, you weren't anyone's girlfriend, wife, or mother. You operated from a place where you were your own entity with your own interests, passions, and things you wanted to do.
I was completely fascinated while coloring and listening to Mr. Rogers on television. I would fall asleep thinking about tetherball and how he was going to come out and play as soon as I woke up. I skated alone at the skating rink without considering what others thought of me being alone.
It was as if I simply existed to do what I found fun or intriguing. Here are some directions for journaling to help you reconnect with your younger self:
- What were some of your favorite things to do as a child?
- What do you still enjoy doing that you did in your childhood?
- What are some things you enjoy doing now or are interested in doing/learning?
- What creative activities help revive your childhood interests? (Arts and crafts, dance, storytelling, etc.).
Recommended reading: Healing your inner child through parenting yourself
Creating spaces for the joys of childhood
I'm a big advocate of having your own bedroom if possible, even if you're in a relationship with someone else and live together. But even so, what I want to highlight is that creating spaces that invoke the magic of your childhood is very healing and nourishing for the soul.
I remember putting away all my stuffed animals when I was fourteen because I was embarrassed. Of course, as I was putting them in the boxes, I was worried that they wouldn't be able to breathe (because they were obviously real and alive) and that I was breaking their hearts.
So one thing I've started doing is adding stuffed animals to my bed. I also added this bohemian stuffed animal hammock in the corner, and I can't say enough about how much this small action of collecting stuffed animals again has brought so much childhood magic back into my experience.
I've also been shopping for pajamas that I would have loved as a kid. They are pink with unicorns or bears, and I am IN LOVE. At some point in my adolescence I felt that I had to become mature, serious and sexy. ABOR-RING.
Girlhood Jessica loves fun and magical things, no matter what age she is. What did you love in your childhood? Did you have CareBear sheets? What was hanging on your walls? How did you decorate your space?
If you couldn't do much with your space as a child, what would your inner child do with a space now? What could you give her that she always wanted?
magical spaces inspires a magical and playful heart.
The role of relationships in recovering magic
One of the beautiful things about childhood friendships is that we were all little weirdos who accepted and loved each other's weirdness without a second thought.
This is what our relationships can be like: surrounding ourselves with people who love and honor who we really are, who reflect back to us the beauty and love of our inner child.
To do this, we must first love and honor who we truly are, flaws and all. We need to reflect in ourselves the beauty and love of our inner child. No one can do that for you if you can't do it for yourself.
That is why the relationship with ourselves will always be the most important one we have, because everything else flows from it. Everyone else is just an aspect of ourselves pushed to reflect how we feel about ourselves.
So if there is someone in your life who seemingly doesn't love or honor you, take the time to gently reflect on that and see where you aren't loving yourself. If this person does not honor your time, where do you not honor your own time? If they don't respect your boundaries, where do you not respect your own boundaries?
The more you love and honor yourself, the more you will be surrounded by beautiful relationships that reflect that back to you.
Embracing feminine energy
Accepting and learning more about feminine energy will help you reconnect with the magic of your childhood because much of it was influenced by feminine energy.
Feminine energy in a nutshell is related to traits such as:
- authenticity
- creation
- magnetism
- emotional intensity
- the unknown
- sensuality (presence)
- chaos
- intuition
- passion
- empathy
- receptivity
- self-love/self-centered
You can look at pretty much all of these and figure out where they fit into your childhood experience. When we tap into these feminine traits, we naturally connect with the magic of our childhood.
The feminine is present in her body, delighting in sensual pleasures such as soft and silky fabrics, delicious food, the smell of wet earth after the rain, etc. These things captivated us when we were children. Too often as women we think about everything we have to do, but slowing down and taking advantage of being present, still, and in our bodies can bring us a world of delight in just a few minutes.
None of this has to be a comprehensive, life-changing reform. It's about enjoying the small, simple pleasures of living in the present moment more often. It is simply redirecting yourself back to the present moment, back to your body, back to yourself.
Manifesting your magical life
We all need to believe in magic again because magic really is real and we actually create our own realities, something I think we all knew on some level when we were kids.
We are not just the main characters; We are the directors, baby!!! You can choose which direction your main character will go.
Now we understand that Magic is the law of attraction., that we attract to us what we emit. We can do it in many ways; I have written about many of them. Some are:
You. Are. MAGIC.
You knew this on some level when you were a child, and now you look back on it and realize the truth. You are the definition of beauty, love and light. You are joy in motion. You are messy, chaotic and stormy, as well as adorable, eternally worthy and divine.
Childhood is magical for exactly all of this and is always there for you to take advantage of. The more we align with our authenticity, focus on our joy and happiness, and recognize the value of all that we are, the more we reawaken that wild girl within us who loves herself and loves life.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this article and found something to take away.
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With love,