No, I will not give in to sadness and doom.
My power is laughter, joy, the awareness that something greater vibrates behind the media and the dramas of the world.
No, I am not a better person if I suffer with those who suffer.
No, I'm not a bad person if I choose to be happy no matter what.
No, I am not oblivious to what is happening in the world.
Yes, I will continue to enchant life, marvel at and celebrate the beauty of the world.
The “crisis” holds the promise of an incredible awakening for humanity, if you know how to take advantage of it.
Each tragedy forces us to break with our passivity, drowsiness and victimhood.
I know it very well because I have lived it.
Let us rejoice.
Can you hear the call for change?
Can you feel it shaking in the trees and the leaves falling to the ground?
In winter everything seems dead. And yet! Subtly, the seeds will awaken in spring! Let's stay strong, alive, vibrant, aware.
Let's create a space for friendship, true exchange, funny, tender and moving stories.
Let us fill our hearts with kindness, self-love, self-esteem and respect for others.
Let's take advantage of these special moments to fall in love with ourselves and heal the wounds that have shaken our love for life.
By observing external violence, let us learn to relate to ourselves and make peace within ourselves.
Let us fill our hearts with kindness, self-love, self-esteem and respect for others.
Let's take advantage of these special moments to fall in love with ourselves and heal the wounds that have shaken our love for life.
By observing external violence, let us learn to relate to ourselves and make peace within ourselves.
And with more and more flashes of awareness, perhaps we will have the privilege of discovering communion with all that is and experiencing the ultimate revelation: there is no separation. There is unity.
What if these wars and traumas gave us the opportunity to learn to disidentify?
– disidentify from media images
– love ourselves and give ourselves time to do so.
– And trust our Consciousness and follow its guidance?
Meena Goll
Source (our translation):