The Shadow Self, Tantra, and Samskaras

This summer I have been going deep into my own work with my Shadow self. This has been part of a new and exciting project that I’m working on. My partner and I are creating an amazing coaching program for single women who want to manifest soul level love. Part of it is about embracing […]
Tantra Basics Part 1: Meaning and Origin

My intention with this overview is to paint a general picture of Tantra and its meaning, without getting bogged down in too much detail. It is aimed mostly at beginners who want a decent introduction to Tantra, although I think even experienced Tantrikas will still find this article interesting. I have tried to find a […]
Tantra: a turning point for dating

The principles of Tantra can be applied very well to many aspects of love. And for the different phases of romantic love. The way we approach love and dating changes radically when we understand that Tantra is a perspective of seeing everything and everyone as expressions of the Divine. Everything we experience as humans can […]
Tantra to rekindle the spark and passion in your relationship

One of the key teachings of Tantra that can help rekindle the spark in your relationship is to polarity. According to Tantra, the entire Universe is created as a result of the interaction between two opposite poles, Shiva and Shakti. Several of the early important tantra scriptures are written as a dialogue between Shiva and […]
Find Meaningful Connections – TantraLovers

Unlocking Tantric Bliss: Find Meaningful Connections In today's world, online dating sites and apps have become a popular way to meet new people. With over 1,500 options worldwide catering to diverse interests, it's easier than ever to find someone who shares your passions. However, conscious people interested in Tantra have had difficulty connecting on these […]